
Your culture defines you. So define your culture.

Culture is part of everything a company thinks and does, but it's rarely articulated or conscious. Usually it’s left to develop unconsciously, and in many ways unhealthily.

When you make your culture conscious, everyone in the company knows what it stands for, where it hopes to go and how it wants to get there. Everyone knows what’s expected of them, and why. Everyone, and everything, pulls in the same direction.



Conscious companies do better.

Companies with a strong, healthy culture perform better, their people are happier, productivity is higher, staff turnover is lower.
— Entrepreneur

Over 15 years, conscious companies outperformed S&P500 companies by 14 to 1 and “Good to Great” companies by 6 to 1.
— Conscious Capitalism

The costs of a poor culture: MORE stress, absenteeism and accidents. LESS engagement, loyalty, productivity and profitability.
— Harvard Business Review

There is “irrefutable causality between culture and performance… if culture comes first, performance levels will follow”.
— Forbes

Companies with the most engaged people have a 65% higher share price increase and 30% greater customer satisfaction levels.
— Queen’s University

People and culture fit is the most important thing that so-called millennials look for in employers.
— Harvard Business Review



Conscious companies are elevated companies.


Conscious companies have these two qualities:

They want to do good. They want to leave the world better than they found it. They have a purpose beyond profit, knowing they must be profitable to serve that purpose.

They are aware. They know and understand themselves well. They’re clear about who, why and how they are, and want to be.

Purpose makes people more committed. Awareness makes companies more cohesive. These characteristics elevate conscious companies beyond where they are and above their competitors. 

A few companies are already very conscious, some are just starting their journey. Wherever yours is, we can help you take steps to become more conscious. 

Here's how. →



Know who you are, and make it known.


Culture is to a company what character is to a person. It’s what you’re made of. It’s nothing less than who you are: what matters to you, what you believe, what you aspire to, and how you do things.

If you don’t know these things, how can you make important and difficult decisions? And how can others – potential colleagues and customers – know you? But if you do know these things, they serve and guide you as a beacon, in good times and bad.

Crucially, a conscious culture isn’t mystical or vague. It’s explicit. It’s talked about, written about and shared, so that everyone is aware of it. Your people want and need to know. More and more, so do your customers.

We help you explore and articulate your culture.

Here’s how. →



Make the talk great, and the walk greater.


Making your culture known is all about storytelling. And about people connecting emotionally with your story. Neurologist Donald Calne said that reason leads to conclusions, while emotion leads to action. People respond to stories well told.

But in the context of culture, stories can’t be fables, fibs or just pretty words. They need to be true. They need integrity. No matter what you say, ultimately what really matters is what you do.

As Robert Quinn said, “there are many companies that have purpose and value statements on the wall, but it has no relevance to what happens day to day”. A conscious culture has formal practices, structures and rituals that align your company’s actions with its intentions. 

We help you make your culture tangible throughout the company.

Here’s how. →



In good company: what our clients say

“Articulating our culture played a huge role in us attracting and keeping outstanding talent.”

Christo Davel, founder and former CEO, 22seven

“Sasha wrote our manifesto more eloquently than all previous attempts we’d made. It’s now an important part of our marketing.”

Steven Nathan, founder and CEO, 10X Investments

“Considered stewardship and wise counsel helped us find the space, safety and energy to define our authentic purpose and values.”

Justin Spreckley, Managing Director, Civils 2000